Each day, American Farriers Journal encounters a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at an aspect of the equine industry. Our favorite content for "This Week" is aggregated here. We hope it offers a useful tip to improve your hoof-care business, expands your knowledge by giving you something new to ponder, or entertains you when you need a break most.
- The Humble Hoof: Feral vs. Domestic
- Burnout & Solutions
- Studying Landing Patterns
- Social Media's Influence
- Mullins Farrier Podcast: Jim Hayter
The Humble Hoof: Feral vs. Domestic
In this episode of The Humble Hoof, equine podiatrist Bonny Mealand shares her observations on the soundness, movement and appearance of feral hooves and how it affects hoof health and comfort.
Burnout & Solutions
The World Champion Blacksmiths Facebook page asked farriers what causes burnout and how to escape it, and farriers responded with their experiences and advice.
Studying Landing Patterns
Recent research shows landing patterns can be variable and unique for each limb. Mapping individual limb paths can help detect pathologies early.
Social Media's Influence
In a recent podcast episode, U.K. farriers Mark Johnson and Matthew Jackson discuss how social media is creating a "cult" within the barefoot hoof-care community.
Mullins Farrier Podcast: Jim Hayter
In this episode of Mullins Farrier Podcast, Jim Hayter, DipWCF Hons, talks about his career and relationship with his son, George, who did his apprenticeship with Jim.
Check out “This Week” from last week for other interesting information found from around the web. Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.