Horseshoeing Improves Severe Limb Deformity

Veterinarian and farrier team up to help bilateral lameness and conformation

An 8-year-old gelding was presented because of a slight bilateral front limb lameness and moderate lameness at the left hind. In addition, the hind limb showed a severe limb deformity.


  • A gelding presented with a bilateral lameness of its front right and left hind limbs. The left hind hoof had a diagonal deviation with severe asymmetry and a sole crack. Its frog had a lateral to medial diagonal orientation. Examination revealed poor gait quality and lameness.
  • A package consisting of a wide branch shoe with a medial extension, medium soft impression material and medicated packing was applied to promote horn regeneration and avoid infections.
  • The team applied Equilox II, a fast-setting adhesive, along the medial extension to prevent the horse from stepping off the shoe

The current owner bought the horse for leisure riding 1 year ago. Although the horse was shod regularly, the limb deformity in the left hind increased until it could not perform anymore. The last shoeing was 8 weeks before the gelding was presented.


Aksel Vibe and Dr. Jenny Hagen with the 8-year-old patient with a slight bilateral front limb lameness. Images: Dr. Jenny Hagen

The trimming and shoeing protocol described in this article was created by Aksel Vibe, AWCF, of Ringebu, Norway, and Dr. Jenny Hagen. Vibe performed the shoeing. The horse was shod during a March 2019 demonstration at a workshop in Hungary (Figure 1).

Orthopedic examination

The static examination of the gelding showed a base-narrow conformation at the front limbs with…

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Jennifer hagen 5

Jenny Hagen

Jenny Hagen, DVM, PhD, CF, is a veterinarian, re­searcher and certified farrier. She is in private practice for equine ortho­pedics and chiropractic. She is a mem­ber of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Leipzig University in Ger­many.

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