Avoiding Isolation- What We Can Learn from Each Other.png

[Video] Avoiding Isolation: What We Can Learn from Each Other

Plymouth, Calif., farrier Tiffany Gardner spent time working with shoers from across the United Kingdom as part of the Edward Martin Cultural Exchange, which is sponsored by the American Farrier’s Assn. and the British Farriers and Blacksmiths Assn.

The Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School instructor shares what she learned while shoeing in England and Scotland, and why experiences such as these are critical to improving your knowledge.



The 2024 International Hoof-Care Summit Video Replay
is brought to you by Equilox

Equilox International Inc, specializes in equine horse hoof adhesives. Developed in 1988 after many trials and extensive research at leading universities and equine centers throughout the U.S., the Equilox Adhesive Hoof Repair System was originally used to treat competitive horses. Now, Equilox Adhesive is used by farriers, equine centers and horse owners – as well as various zoo and wildlife centers – throughout the world.


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