This page lists material that supplements the January/February 2025 issue of American Farriers Journal.
AFJ’s Best of Yearly Roundup
Gain more insight from Randy Luikart by reading:
- Easing Breakover & Research Clash, in which he explains why shortening the hoof is far less important during the weight-bearing phase of a horse’s stride.”
- What are the 4 Lengths of Horses’ Feet? in which Luikart defines each and how they apply to disciplines.
- Examining the Isolated Features of Equine Weight Bearing, in which he explains the basics of the complex stride sequence.
A supplement to "When Should the Hoof & Pastern Angle Line Up?" on page 6
A supplement to "Words of Wisdom from Farriers Who Shoe for a Living" on page 10
Gain more insight from Nicholas Denson by reading:
- Make Shoeing for a Vet Clinic Worth Your While, in which he advises preparing for the ups and downs so you’ll have a successful venture.
- Infrared Thermography: Fun Toy or Practical Tool? in which he discusses how two case studies show how smartphone infrared cameras could be used by farriers.
- Neglect and Hoof-Capsule Distortion, in which he details how proper trimming and shoeing provided quick results in a case study.
A supplement to "Thinking Outside the Box" on page 20
American Farriers Journal Multimedia
American Farriers Journal offers an extensive multimedia collection of content, including industry interviews, conference coverage, and new products, as well as informational webinars, podcasts, product reviews and more!
American Farrier's Journal’s Best of the Web
Hoof-care professionals across the country and the ocean are sharing what they know with others in the industry through social media, webinars and videos. Here are a few of our favorites.