
Hundreds of farriers, veterinarians and other hoof-care professionals gathered in Kansas City, Mo., for 4 days of intensive learning and networking opportunities. Lewis Horn III

Top Takeaways from the 2025 International Hoof-Care Summit

Attendees share their most valuable experiences

The 22nd annual International Hoof-Care Summit in Kansas City, Mo., welcomed new and old faces for 4 days of intensive footcare education. Attendees were surrounded by global hoof-care experts, exposed to invaluable networking opportunities and participated in small-group and hands-on sessions to learn directly from their peers. 

“Simply stated, the International Hoof-Care Summit is the greatest educational experience I have ever had. It’s like drinking from a fire hose,” says Middlebury, Ind., farrier Laverne Mast.

For those who were unable to join us, here is what attendees have to say about this year’s Summit.

Education in Anatomy

For the second year in a row, hoof-care professionals had the opportunity to participate in wet labs led by equine anatomy experts. Pullman, Wash., farrier Chad Whetzel saw internal structures in a new light at the Mitch Taylor hands-on dissection. 

“Understanding the structures of the lower limb is one thing, but seeing the redundancies is an entirely different thing,” he says. “The wet lab with Hall of Famer Mitch Taylor was amazing even though I have seen and done dissections before.” 


Hall of Famer Mitch Taylor of Kentucky Horseshoeing School led a hands-on dissection wet lab where he discussed the vital structures of the leg. Lewis Horn III

Lancaster, Wis., farrier Dan Weaver took away valuable insights from the Paige Poss dissection that he can apply to his everyday practice. 

“The dissection of the low-heeled foot showed me how little heel is solid enough to support the horse. Keeping the frog as part…

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Maclaren Krueger

Maclaren Krueger is an assistant editor for American Farriers Journal and the International Hoof-Care Summit. Previously, they were an editorial intern with No-Till Farmer, Farm Equipment and other Lessiter Media publications. They have a background in photography and graduated with a degree in English, Creative Writing and Publishing from the University of Iowa.

Contact: mkrueger@lessitermedia.com

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