This page lists material that supplements the April 2025 issue of American Farriers Journal.
Gain more insight from Randy Luikart by reading
- “How to Affect a Gait Problem,” in which the Hall of Famer explains how video can help manage abnormalities.
- “Mechanical Considerations for Shoeing,” in which he discusses the importance of hoof and limb mechanics.
A supplement to "Let’s Talk Trot" on page 8
Learn more about farriers who are Shoeing for a Living
- Read Texas farrier Tommy Boudreau’s Shoeing for a Living, “A Deliberate Approach with Every Horse.”
- Read Maryland farrier Matt Taimuty’s Shoeing for a Living, “It’s Horseshoeing, Not Cookie-Cutting.”
- Read Florida farrier Rod McCumber's Shoeing for a Living, “Develop Essential Skills, Work Hard, Shoe Close to Home.”
- Read Tennessee farrier Bill Lampley’s Shoeing for a Living, “Building a Practice for Changing Time.”
- Read Texas farrier Doug Hogue’s Shoeing for a Living, “Setting a Standard in West Texas.”
- A Day Spent with Ty Garner: Garner insists the shoeing fits the horse and how the owner works it.
- Paul Melcher shares what he’s learned in his 45-year career.
A supplement to "Find a System, Be Open, Pass It On" on page 18
Learn more about CBD
A supplement to "How CBD Makes Hoof Care Easier" on page 21
More on learning when to let a client go
Firing Clients: Chris Gregory advises firing difficult clients to help your bottom line in "Recognize When it’s Time to Fire a Client".
A supplement to "Learning When to Let a Client Go" on page 24
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Nominate a Rising Shoeing Star
To nominate a farrier who graduated from hoof-care school in 2022, please send a letter detailing when your nominee graduated, what shoeing school they attended and what they’ve accomplished since graduating.
The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2025. Submit your nomination online at, via email to, or mail to American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624.
A supplement to "Dedication, Support Carry Rising Shoeing Stars" on page 26
American Farriers Journal Multimedia
American Farriers Journal offers an extensive multimedia collection of content, including industry interviews, conference coverage, and new products, as well as informational webinars, podcasts, product reviews and more!
American Farrier's Journal’s Best of the Web
Hoof-care professionals across the country and the ocean are sharing what they know with others in the industry through social media, webinars and videos. Here are a few of our favorites.