G. Kent Carter of Texas A&M University, a member of the International Equine Veterinarians Hall Of Fame, reminded an American Association of Equine Practitioner’s audience of the importance of the role of shoeing and trimming in treating foot-generated lamenesses.
“In some cases, such as heel bruises, corrective trimming and shoeing is the indicated therapy. Where other cases such as central foot soft tissue injuries, correct trimming and shoeing are extremely important adjuncts to other therapies,” Carter told those in attendance at the July 2009 Focus On The Foot conference in Columbus, Ohio.
Carter went on to note that while it’s true that some horses will remain sound despite conformation issues and less-than-great hoof care, many lamenesses are either due to poor hoof care or are exacerbated by it.
“Many horses with lameness originating from the foot can be successfully managed with optimal hoof care, particularly those horses with structurally sound but poorly managed feet,” he said. “Observation of hoof balance, structure and shoeing is an integral component of treating every lame horse.”