Wisconsin farrier Joe Nygren, just 4 years out of shoeing school, has established a solid hoof-care practice. Although he works alone most of the time, he will spend occasional days shoeing with a veteran shoer, Ross Krings.
Having the veteran shoer around improves efficiency, makes the time pass quickly.
“We get the horses done quicker. It is great in winter when you are messing around with putting on snow pads or Borium,” he says.
Most importantly for Nygren, this gives another set of eyes to look at his work.
It is better to have someone there that I can check my work with. Did I take enough foot off? Are they level? It helps make sure I am doing things correctly. If you look at the same thing every day and pretty soon, your eye thinks it straight, but it might not be straight.”
Some farriers can have concerns abou having another shoer ride along and critique their work, but according to Nygren, then that isolation limits you as the best shoer you know.
You can read more about Joe Nygren’s approach to shoeing in the July/August issue of American Farriers Journal.