What are the most common lameness issues that you deal with in your hoof-care practice?

Spring and fall it is laminitis, summer is bruising and abcesses.
—Neal Poort

I work at 3 Vet Clinics a week.40% of the horses that the vet and I see, are shod tight and sole pressured!! With as much technology as we have, there is just no excuse for such work!!
—Joepaul Meyers, CJF

CHPS, abscesses, tendon/ligament strains/sprains, sole bruising.
—Rick Burten

Most are balance issues and abcesses with brusing.
—Heidi Larrabee

Winter laminitis and summer abcesses.
—Andrea Williams

Laminitis (year round); Functional LLD issues; Broken back phalanx angles due to LT/LH, improper trimming and conformation issues; Overdue farrier work issues; Sole pressure trimming and shoeing; to name a few of the most seen.

I deal with a lot of sore chronic laminitic horses in the winter months.  It just seems like the cold bothers these horses. I also deal with abscesses and long toe/low heel syndrome.
—Dave Kidd

Abcesses, laminitis and poor trimming and fitting of shoes are the most common true lameness I see at the clinic. I would say that 85% of the horses that we see for "lameness" really just need a good shoeing or trimming. Basics and sound fundamentals is the answer to keeping horses sound.
—Steve Sermersheim

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