If you meet or speak with a prospective client, what are your warning signs that you should NOT work with this horse owner?
Believe it or not, the tone of voice when I talk with them initially! I also ask about their previous farrier & why they want to change. Also since I have a close relationship with several of the area equine vets, I will talk with them to see if they know this person & the horses. I've also learned to completely trust my instincts about people & situations. Generally that pays off well for me.
Wow, Diane, I do the same thing when meeting and/or speaking with a new farrier! How unique! I'm waiting for an AFJ article on how to know when you need to fire your farrier, and how to do it, especially how farriers feel about being "fired" by a client and what they'd like the client to say to them.
—Ariel Metcalf
If I see a new fence or refurbished and a young horse with little training along with an inspired youngster, I know that I will have to educate and can not assume lots of knowledge. But to work on educating along with the battle of internet wisdom for overall care, is a challenge. Usually if a client that I trust has good stable management, then I will be eager to get a new client from them. Then I know that my back is covered a little more and I am sure any questions not asked of me would be forwarded to a reliable and knowledgeable source. I am a professional and treat clients as such, and I have mostly been reciprocated in clients.
I listen to see how much better they know how to do my job than I do.
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