A few weeks ago I was under a horse (which by the way is when I do my best thinking) and was reflecting on my experience at the International Hoof Care Summit. A flurry of thoughts went through my mind as I scanned many of the great things that took place at the Summit. Before long my thoughts drifted to one particular facet of my experience there which leaves an impression on me each year; an aspect of the Summit which I feel compelled to pass along to others.

I have been a farrier for 30+ years and have been an active member of one or more farrier association for 27 years. Throughout these years I have seen many changes in this industry and have heard many stories of the birth of groups and associations prior to my entry in this great trade.

In the beginning, a few of our farrier forefathers worked extremely hard to start trade organizations for many reasons. Farriers have always been somewhat unique in a sense; independent, passionate, hardworking, creative, and self- motivated amongst other great traits. One purpose of organizing this group was to bring farriers together and to exchange ideas. Such organizations began to grow and knowledge was commonly shared of each individual’s thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Another reason for these early organizations was to periodically gather people with a common interest.

Since then there have been many changes and with change, as always, there are pains amongst many of the constituents involved. With that pain there is often dissension within the ranks.

I want to take this time to remind everyone why they are a part of this change. Ask yourself, as an individual, what you want from a group or organization and what you want from an organized educational event.

Each educational event as well as each association may offer a somewhat different format that you feel may suit your interests, or can benefit you more than another. Remember that throughout the course of your career, your interests may change. It is possible that each path can make you or your business better. Therefore, you may attend or support more than one. My purpose for joining or attending events is to support an association or group that will help enable me to expand my knowledge in all aspects of this trade. There are important components to my participation such as whether or not it increases my profits, improves my clientele, makes me more proficient, or any of the other many improvements to my business education can provide.

Organized educational events teach us in many ways, foremost from a clinician or speaker. These events provide exposure to some of the most competent farriers in the world. Experienced and veteran farriers that you can walk up to and ask a question, the answer to which may provide a viable solution to a particular dilemma within your business (horse or other). Or they may simply provide food for thought. Make sure you consider these benefits also. The corresponding trade shows expose us to new products, concepts, and techniques.

The emergence and mandate of the American Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF) and Canadian Association of Professional Farriers (CAPF) is to make education a priority. It is a neutral group that re-establishes unity amongst farriers; to increase the awareness that we are professionals, and to establish relationships with other equine groups to achieve these goals. The early surge in membership of the AAPF and the CAPF signifies the desire for these needs to be met.

One aspect of education that I am personally challenged with is: should I encourage another farrier to realize the benefit of gaining more knowledge? Or should I expect them to already understand and realize the need for personal development? Unfortunately, I have found that some do not look around to realize they have more to learn, and some "choose" not to gain more knowledge.

My personal resolve is to encourage that type of person to accompany me for a day of shoeing, therefore allowing them to see that there may be more for all of us to learn. Then I gently remind them of how many opportunities are available to expand one's knowledge. Give them a nudge, so to speak. Toss out a spark that may ignite the fire to acquire more knowledge.

I also try to remind people that although you may disagree with information presented to you on a subject, that information will still provoke or stimulate your thoughts on certain subject matters. For those of you that are already active participants in education, you can understand. For those of you that are not, consider helping yourselves and others around you. Who knows, maybe you will learn something or end up helping someone else. Some famous quotes to consider are:
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." — Harry S. Truman
"The more knowledge I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing." — Voltaire
"Knowledge comes by eyes always open and working hands; and there is no knowledge that is not power" — Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Knowledge without education, is but armed injustice" — Horace

Give it some thought, that is all that I request. Take care, be safe, and enjoy.