January 6, 2014
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (December 28, 2013) — Good Horse Products has developed a ground-breaking product to treat thrush faster, safer and cleaner with its’ new Thrush Tip™ applicator for hoof cracks. The applicator was specially designed for between the bulbs and to reach way down into the grooves of the hoof. It has been used for thrush, seedy toe, puncture wounds and even to irrigate an incision.
Click here to see the video on the Indiegogo campaign.
The campaign runs November 28th and goes through January 7th 2014.
Features of the Thrush Tip™ include the following:
• Fits into tiny cracks and holes of the hoof.
• Discourages clogging and prevents back splash.
• Flexible plastic won't break off into the hoof.
• Quality-valve controls unwanted drips and keeps liquid from pouring out.
• Refillable bottle.
• Perfect size fits comfortably in your hand.
• Closure top won’t get lost and retains the liquid when it falls.
Here’s what equestrians think:
Ray Tricca from SBS said, "I love your product!”
Joe Police, Executive Director of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School, wants to incorporate Thrush Tips™ into their program.
Distributors in Europe are eagerly waiting for product to test in their markets.
About The Founder:
“As a professional horseperson, trainer and coach, I was constantly dealing with thrush. I noticed very deep cracks between the bulbs in severe cases. I also witnessed the back-splash of a caustic remedy into someone’s eye, which could’ve been catastrophic. My applicator is not just for the horses, but also the safety of the users! We’ve launched the Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for mass production,” said Norah Dombrowski, founder of Good Horse Products.
Support and share the Indiegogo campaign with your friends, family and anyone else who has a horse. The Thrush Tip™ applicator is an accurate/effective tool to win the battle of thrush!”
Media Contact:
Norah Dombrowski
(561) 797-1877
Wellington, Florida