An article in our January/February issue features quick tips harvested from stories that ran throughout 2014. Here are just a few of these "Farrier Takeaways" from this article:
Farriers should pay close attention to changes in broodmare feet, as dropped soles, disturbed hoof capsules, uneven growth rings and other symptoms may be a warning of more serious problems.
— Raul Bras, DVM, Lexington, Ky.
Farriers who see horses on a regular schedule have an advantage over owners who see the horse every day or a veterinarian who sees it once a year. The farrier is in a better position to notice gradual changes.
— Jeff Ridley, Leighton, Iowa
Farriers must walk a fine line when shoeing cow horses between a full-fit that helps keep the horses sound and the danger of a shoe being pulled off in thick mud and manure or doing close work with cattle.
— John Brunson, Plainview, Texas
Working on long-footed horses is a good way to learn the effects of various types of shoes and pads, because the movement tends to be exaggerated due to the size of the package.
— Jimmy Gore, Baton Rouge, La.
When working with dressage horses, take particular care around the hinds. Upper-level training makes these horses very strong and tends to give them very quick back feet.
— Arnie Gervasio, Wellington, Fla.