She was sitting in the driver's seat of a blue Subaru, the seat belt strapped across her body, "like she was still driving to go work."
That's how rescuers found the body of Summer Raffo, 36, when they finally dug her car out of the mud on Wednesday afternoon, ending a desperate search by her large family.
"It’s just the beginning, but it’s a sense of relief to know that she didn’t suffer when this thing came down and it’s a sense of relief to know she’s not out there somewhere," says Raffo's brother, Dayn Brunner.
Brunner, 42, was elsewhere on the sprawling pile of muck and debris that buried a square-mile swath of the town of Oso, including a stretch of Route 530.
He got a call from a friend who heard that Raffo's car had been spotted. After calling his mother to give her the news, he rushed to the dig site with his son, Riley.
The four-door car was on the south side of the highway but had been pushed about 500 feet off the road. The mud there was about 10 feet deep, and the car was stuck about five feet down.