8 Things to Consider Before Buying a Farrier Rig

Buying a farrier rig is the most expensive single purchase you will make in your hoof-care career. Even the combined costs of your required tools and necessary inventory don’t come close to the cost of a reliable, well-planned rig. As costly of an investment a rig is, it is a necessity. 

As your career evolves, you’ll likely trade in a vehicle for another, or look for a new body or trailer to adapt to your ever-changing practice.

There are many options out there. If your goal is to only trim barefoot horses, you can get by with a compact car with a minimal set of tools in the trunk. If you have a multi-purpose vehicle, maybe a trailer is the answer. Or if you are fortunate and are leaving an apprenticeship with a healthy client list, the volume of work may require a good-sized pickup with a body attached.

Buying a “dream rig” isn’t a likely reality for someone just out of school or shoeing for a few clients while working in an apprenticeship. Yet, you need a rig if you are going to be a farrier. The variables are many, so after you determine what you can afford with cash or financing, here are things to also consider before you start kicking tires.  

1. Where Should I Begin?

You need a baseline to work from. There are many ways to learn about rigs today, and it’s especially helpful to reach out and ask questions of those with experience on…

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