25 Top Tips For Satisfying Customers

These are successful horseshoers because their skills aren’t only limited to forging or hoof care, but also include quality customer service.

Customer service has always been a popular business topic in the pages of AFJ. We’ve pulled 25 of the best tips on the subject, beginning in 2000 that will serve as solid advice for delivering your best customer service.


1. “Think about what both you and the client consider good customer relations. If you have a problem with a client, the most important thing is that you don’t want it to deteriorate to the point where one of you delivers an ultimatum.”

— Jeff Rodriguez, Golden, Colo., 2000


2. “Develop a solid relationship with each barn owner or client so they know that you will take good care of them and that they can trust your judgment. We’ve had clients who wanted to move to another barn, but didn’t when they learned we don’t shoe there.”

— Tom Parris,Woodbine, Md., 2002


3. “Gain respect from customers one step at a time. Be knowledgeable, helpful and sincere. Don’t be intimidated by questions or curiosity. Keep your customer’s expectations in check. Don’t make claims that your experiences say can’t be accomplished. Walk away from super-bad animals. Don’t be jealous of your customers and their surroundings.”

— Walter and Lee Fuermann, Hearne, Texas, 2006


4. “You can’t successfully shoe for clients unless they have complete confidence in your abilities. If they have confidence in your shoeing skills, they’ll trust you with all kinds of foot problems.”

— Jeff Goodson, East Hampton, Conn., 2000


5. “When clients ask questions about the trimming or shoeing…

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