Therapeutic shoeing is a cornerstone for most hoof-care practices. In fact, 96% of all full-time farriers perform therapeutic work.
Understanding equine biomechanics and how it affects the distal limb is urgently important to your therapeutic work.
To help improve your knowledge and outcomes with therapeutic shoeing work, we’ve compiled a detailed collection of proven innovations and practices into an in-depth eGuide download — and we’ve made it absolutely FREE in order to get it into the hands of as many hoof-care professionals as possible to put them on the pathway to footcare success.
Reliable and proven innovations and theories from one of America’s foremost authorities on equine lameness and biomechanics and compiled by the most trusted name in hoof care.
Dear Hoof-Care Professional,
This 39-page in-depth eGuide is jam-packed with time-tested innovations and theories from the late equine veterinarian James R. Rooney, one of America’s leading experts on equine lameness and biomechanics.
“Demystifying The Secrets of Biomechanics And Lameness” is an authoritative collection of articles that the International Equine Veterinarian Hall Of Fame member authored for American Farriers Journal, all contained in one reader-friendly eGuide. It reveals critical information that farriers can take advantage of in their own therapeutic hoof-care practice. It’s the kind of report you will turn to again and again as you take stock of where therapeutic footcare stands today and where it needs to be in the future. Keep it handy in your smartphone, tablet or home computer as a primer for your therapeutic shoeing needs!
“Demystifying The Secrets Of Biomechanics And Lameness” is a comprehensive and actionable reference to help you improve your therapeutic hoof-care practice by gaining a better understanding of biomechanics and how it affects the equine distal limb. In fact, this downloadable 39-page eGuide is designed to help you …
- Deal with differences in hoof structure.
- Gain valuable insight into the complex function of the equine hoof.
- Understand the critical function of what bar shoes do and don’t do.
- Ascertain the vital differences between classic laminitis and road founder and how to treat them.
- Learn the farrier’s critical role in treating founder.
- Successfully manage a “stump foot.”
- Identify why blood spots appear at the white line and how to shoe these situations.
Understanding biomechanics and equine lameness is critical to ensuring successful outcomes in therapeutic footcare cases. Correctly applying this valuable knowledge in the therapeutic cases will improve your success in returning your clients’ horses to soundness.
An informed decision is a profitable one and rewarded with better results and clients. Do you know:
- Why the fore and hind hooves have different shapes?
- Why is the inside wall steeper and more nearly vertical on the inside than on the outside?
These questions can be answered by considering the mechanics of the forces applied to the equine foot.
We know time is money, but if you did nothing more than read, “Structure And Function Of The Horse’s Foot,” which is an overview of the forces involved in the equine foot, in this FREE eGuide, you’d already be significantly ahead in your hoof-care practice.
American Farriers Journal is dedicated entirely to helping hoof-care professionals understand the art and science of farriery that is necessary to build and maintain a profitable footcare practice. Our editors make it their job to collect the valuable knowledge and practices of leading farriers from around the world to help hoof-care professionals improve their footcare practice. Consider:
The Enigma Of Rear Leg Lamenesses
A casual examination of equine literature indicates that there is far more information about foreleg lameness than there is about the hind. No doubt this reflects the greater ease of diagnosis and identification of foreleg lameness.
It’s not often clear whether a problem of movement is the result of lameness or it stems from balancing, shoeing, rigging, etc. Yet, there are four different manifestations of bad gait/lameness conditions to consider.
- Short-striding is easily diagnosed when one leg is involved. However, difficulty occurs when it is seen with spavin, particularly when a horse is experiencing variably severe pain at one to four different sites.
- Stabbing can’t be readily classified as a lameness nor a hanging-up problem. Yet, Dr. Rooney provides valuable insight into why young horses often have this problem.
- Hiking occurs in the inside leg while rounding a turn because of greater force on it. However, because hiking, stabbing and short-striding usually are bilateral, a horse not only might be lame in one or the other or both rear legs, but all three of these conditions might be present at any time.
- Neurological disease does not always demonstrate obvious, overt evidence. In fact, it’s often misdiagnosed as awkwardness, poor gait or other forms of lamenesses.
To gain these valuable insights and how to apply them in your daily hoof-care practice, read our FREE eGuide, “Demystifying The Secrets Of Biomechanics And Lameness.”
This eGuide is jam-packed with proven science on equine biomechanics and innovative practices in treating lamenesses, delivered by one of America’s foremost authorities on the subjects — the late Hall Of Fame equine vet James R. Rooney.
That’s the valuable information you get throughout this FREE eGuide — all of the information presented in clear, straightforward language, complete with proven practices for your footcare practice.
By now, you no doubt recognize the value of downloading this important 39-page eGuide and what this knowledge can do for your hoof-care practice. No farrier should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values improving and broadening your footcare practice.
That means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with “Demystifying The Secrets Of Biomechanics And Lameness.” You’re the kind of informed farrier who strives to improve your trade and your hoof-care practice for years to come.
Do you want to provide top-notch footcare for your clients?
Are you prepared to invest in your future by mastering equine biomechanics and lamenesses?
Will you be able to evolve and improve your footcare knowledge to ensure a successful practice?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward greater hoof care.
Yours for better hoof care,
What new insights did you gain from this eGuide? What jumped out at you?
Share your observations below.