American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
Kent Carter says the importance of proper trimming and shoeing can’t be overlooked in treating any foot-related lameness. “In some cases, such as heel bruises, corrective trimming and shoeing is the indicated therapy,” says the equine veterinarian at Texas A&M University. “In other cases, such as with central foot soft tissue injuries, correct trimming and shoeing are extremely important adjuncts to other therapies.”
While some horses will remain sound despite conformation issues and less-than-great hoof care, many lameness concerns are either due to poor hoof care or made worse by a lack of quality footwork. “Many horses with lameness originating from the foot can be successfully managed with optimal hoof care,” says Carter. “This is particularly true with horses with structurally sound, but poorly managed feet. Observation of hoof balance, structure and shoeing is an integral component of treating every lame horse.”
Among the toughest things a shoer has to learn is how to say “no.” Yet Bill Miller believes it’s often difficult to do since most farriers remember the earlier lean and hungry years when it was tough to build a roster of clients. But the Hall Of Fame shoer from Rochester, Wash., is convinced that taking on too much work is a quick way to lose your enthusiasm for shoeing. He says it’s awful hard to say no to somebody that’s waving money in front of your face, but you can’t afford to take on…