American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
YOUR IDEAS, YOUR HOOF-CARE SUMMIT. Hundreds of extremely valuable shoeing ideas were collected from the postcard surveys returned by readers regarding the highly intensive program for next winter’s International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati. What you told us is what this in-depth
When farriers and vets were asked for suggestions for what they needed in an educational shoeing program, American Farriers Journal readers came through with flying colors.
Based on hundreds of valuable ideas, farriers and equine veterinarians are helping us develop a non-stop shoeing education program that will meet your specific needs at next February’s International Hoof-Care Summit. Featuring a “Shoeing Knowledge Is Power” theme, this summit, being held from Feb. 5 to 7, 2004, in Cincinnati, Ohio, will differ from any event that you’ve ever attended!
From postcard surveys sent in by American Farriers Journal readers, our staff pulled together a list of 167 concerns that you face in your shoeing business, 123 recommended speakers and 143 footcare techniques you’d like to see covered at this event.
There are also plenty of ideas from our board of nine advisors and other farriers, veterinarians and suppliers who we’ve talked with during the past several months in developing plans for this all-industry, totally unbiased educational event.
As a result, this American Farriers Journal sponsored summit offers 44 1/2 hours of highly intensive and non-stop hoof-care learning in a unique educational format that includes:
7 GENERAL SESSIONS: 19 top-notch farriers, equine veterinarians and equine researchers will outline the latest thinking for more…