American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
I am pleased to report that the American Farrier’s Association (AFA) has been very active over the past months in our continuing efforts to improve services to our members and the horse-owning public.
Many of these activities would not have been possible without the assistance and continued support from our many fine volunteers. We are very fortunate to have so many volunteers who generously give their time, talents and dollars to assist your professional association as we continue to see growth within the AFA. Here’s a look at some of our committees:
Achievement Committee: Recognizes the many achievements our members make to the farriery profession.
American Farrier’s Team: Represents the association at national and international competitions.
Certification Committee: Holds numerous certifications around the country to improve the knowledge levels of our members.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee: Oversees the governance of our association.
Convention Coordinating Committee: Plans and oversees our conventions.
Cultural Exchange Committee: Sponsors farriers in a foreign exchange educational program.
Education Committee: Informs and assists members in improving their knowledge of the anatomy and methods for effective shoeing. It also helps farriers in their on-going efforts to better educate future veterinarians with problem areas of the hoof at vet/farrier short course programs held at various equine medical schools around the country.
Election Committee: Conducts and supervises the selection of officers for your association.
Equine Research Fund: Encourages and develops research that specifically benefits the farrier.
Finance Committee: Reviews the budgets and other financial information.
Marketing Committee…