
NO SOUP FOR YOU. From a distance, many passers-by mistake Rich Cleland’s shoeing rig for a lunch wagon. The Central Florida shoer purposely leaves his name, number and logo off his truck. Cleland says to be wary of the horse owner who tries to find a farrier by jotting a phone number off the side of a truck.

Why I Don't Have My Name and Number on My Shoeing Rig

Central Florida shoer doesn’t need logos or telephone contact numbers on his shoeing truck

Rich Cleland's appointment book is full these days. And the inside of his shoeing rig is full of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Yet the outside of his truck remains conspicuously bare. There’s no logo, stenciled sign, phone number or verbiage of any kind that advertises his shoeing business anywhere on his rig. The veteran shoer from DeBary, Fla., has a logo, business cards and even a company slogan (“Have Shoes Will Travel”), but he doesn’t believe in promoting his shoeing business on the outside of his shoeing rig.

“When I first got into the shoeing business, I put my name and phone number on my truck,” he says. “But I found out pretty quickly that you get a lot of calls on what I refer to as ‘junk’ horses that way. These are the kind of horses that have been through four or five farriers and the horse owner is always looking for a new farrier.

“The owner will see your truck parked at a restaurant or gas station and jot down your number. These types of calls are usually indicative of a bad owner or troubled horse.”

Cleland says that advertising on your rig is fine if you’re trying to start a shoeing business or trying to establish yourself in a new geographic location. But once you’re established as a farrier and have a solid client base, these usually aren’t the kind of cases you’re looking to take on.

The downside to having a shoeing rig without…

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