
Take a Professional Approach to Hiring and Firing Clients

Building relationships with clients and knowing when to let them go may sound as easy as saying hello and goodbye, but there are a few things farriers should keep in mind when developing and ending client relationships that can make everything go a little more smoothly.

When taking on a new client, it is all about asking the right questions up front and getting enough information to allow you to be prepared to execute the job the first time. Asking the right questions will also help you to know the trustworthy clients from the unreliable or even dangerous ones.

As time goes by and you gain a reputation and prestige in your area, you may find that you have more business than you did when you first started out and were starving for any client who would call. At this point, you can begin looking at which clients you may no longer need or, more likely, want.

When you’re ready to end a client relationship, don’t just stop answering the phone or not show up to an appointment. Take a more professional approach and end the relationship in a way that will leave both your reputation and the reputation of the farrier industry intact.

Follow this advice from veteran farriers on how to hire and fire clients.

Hiring Clients

Finding and hiring clients is one of the most essential jobs a farrier has to do to get their practice off the ground. However, it’s not as easy as picking up…

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