Services are pending for Bryan "Rhicco" Rentas, who passed away. Rentas was the executive director of the Northeast Association of Equine Practitioners (NEAEP).
A statement from the NEAEP:
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our Executive Director, Bryan “Rhicco” Rentas. Rhicco was in this position since the inception of the organization in 2008. His passion and vision were instrumental in the development of the NEAEP into the progressive organization it is today. Rhicco attended to every detail of our organization. He was quick to hand out compliments and share a smile. He was a friend. He will be sorely missed in so many ways.
Rhicco was looking forward to the 2016 Annual Symposium being, as he said every year, “the best meeting yet!” Rest assured, that is what we plan to provide for you and the attendees. Looking forward to seeing you all in Niagara Falls and doing some co-educational learning while celebrating Rhicco’s labor of love.
If you would like to make a donation to his family, you can go to: