This page lists material that supplements the January/February 2017 issue of American Farriers Journal.
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Online Hoof-Care Classroom: Treating Hoof Avulsions
Hoof avulsions are difficult to treat. Iowa farrier Jeff Ridley discusses how to approach the issue, get the veterinarian involved and properly support and protect the foot. He presents case studies to support his reasoning behind treatment.
(Supplements to the article "Nothing Routine About Hoof Avulsions" on Page 14.)
[Videos] Shoeing For A Living: Russ Gaudet
(Supplements to the article "A Balanced Approach To Hoof Care" on Page 36.)
[Video] Farrier Quick Takes: KrosschecK Leverage Testing Device
Watch a video of Eddy Strommen demonstrating the KrosschecK Leverage Testing Device.
(Supplement to the article "Pal Gains Leverage Against Foot Pain" on Page 58.)
Duckett Vs. Russell
Read a classic article by farrier Matthew Taimuty that compared the works of David Duckett to those of William Russell.
(Supplement to the article "The Broad Application Of Duckett's Dot" on Page 70.)
Read what veterinarians discussed regarding soft tissue injuries of Western discipline equine athletes.
(Supplement to the article "Set The Tone With Clients Before They Join Your Practice" on Page 78.)