American Farriers Journal's special 14-page eGuide details how you can educate and improve your backyard horse practice, and it’s FREE.
More farriers have a backyard horse in their schedule book — 92% — than any other type, and it’s not close.
Armed with the knowledge that this equine family member is the backbone of the industry, American Farriers Journal surveyed seasoned farriers to learn the top hoof-care related questions and concerns they encountered when dealing with backyard owners who could use solid horsemanship insight.
Taken from the eGuide, Answers To Common Backyard Horse Owner Questions, this eGuide addresses various aspects of hoof care as guided by that survey. We’ve set up these articles as short pieces that can be easily saved and shared with your clients who need to know more about their role in helping you with their animal’s hoof care. And best of all, we’ve made it absolutely FREE in order to get it into the hands of as many hoof-care professionals as possible to help you educate your clients, and improve your footcare practice.
Reliable and proven practices and theories from some of America’s most seasoned backyard horse farriers and compiled by the most trusted name in hoof care.
Dear Hoof-Care Professional,
This 14-page special eGuide is jam-packed with time-tested practices and theories that were compiled from a survey of seasoned backyard horse farriers. “Answers To Common Backyard Horse Owner Questions” is an authoritative collection of brief and easy to digest articles that will educate your clients and reinforce the lessons you’re sharing with them — all contained in one reader-friendly eGuide. It reveals critical information that farriers can share with their backyard horse clients. It’s the kind of eGuide that you will turn to again and again. Keep it handy in your smartphone, tablet or home computer so it can be easily shared with your backyard horse clients!
“Answers To Common Backyard Horse Owner Questions” is a comprehensive and actionable reference to help you improve your backyard hoof-care practice by helping your clients gain a better understanding of footcare and how they can keep their equine family member healthy. In fact, this downloadable 14-page eGuide is designed to help your client:
- Understand how to keep their horses’ feet healthy.
- Teach the horse how to stand for the farrier.
- Know what they need to do between farrier visits.
- Learn how to remove a shoe in an emergency and take important steps to prevent additional hoof damage.
- Identify what they’re trying to address before choosing a hoof dressing.
- Gain critical insight on the important role of diet in hoof health.
- Pinpoint how to head off common problems of the hoof and foot.
- Ascertain whether their horse should be barefoot or shod.
Informed backyard horse clients reward you with better care of their companions. This FREE eGuide, “Answers To Common Backyard Horse Owner Questions,” not only will help educate your clients, but mold them to help you in the critical role of footcare.
American Farriers Journal is dedicated entirely to helping hoof-care professionals as they practice the art and science of farriery that is necessary to build and maintain a profitable footcare practice. Our editors make it their job to collect the valuable knowledge and practices of leading farriers from around the world to help hoof-care professionals improve their footcare practice.
Yours for better hoof care,
Jeff Cota
Managing Editor
American Farriers Journal