Frankly Speaking: The Complexity Of Paying Your Farrier Help

In late May, the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate passed a $15 minimum wage bill. Currently, Illinois’ minimum wage is $8.25. Should this plan pass the governor’s desk, the full $15 rate would be reached in 2022 for those age 18 and older. At the time of press, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner had yet to sign this bill, and isn’t expected to do so.

Minimum wage is one of the many divisive issues that splits the two-party system in the United States. It seems unlikely to see dramatic federal changes soon under the current Congress and administration, although in December, then President-Elect Donald Trump acknowledged his flexibility in increasing minimum wage.

How likely is your state to follow Illinois? It depends on how red, blue or purple your state is. Or if you happen to live in certain cities like New York or San Francisco, where local laws are already increasing the minimum wage.

Wages And Farriery

Even if minimum wage increased, it would affect prices of goods and services elsewhere, but not what you as a farrier can or should invoice clients. Most farriers operate as a single operator or lead farrier and are paid as independent contractors by the client. This falls under a completely different set of guidelines and isn’t directly affected by minimum wage guidelines.

Any possible impact of minimum wage change would occur with what is viewed as the entry-level footcare worker, whether you prefer the term apprentice, helper or associate. In the 2016…

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Jeremy mcgovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher of American Farriers Journal.

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