American Horse Publications is conducting a survey that strives to measure participation trends and management practices in the U.S. equine industry.
The survey also seeks to gather information about the most important issues facing the industry. Please note that the word “horse” refers to all equids (horses, ponies, mules, and donkeys).
The survey is being conducted for American Horse Publications (AHP). AHP is a nonprofit association that promotes excellence in equine media. Members include equine-related publishing media, professionals, students, organizations and businesses. Dr. C. Jill Stowe is providing consulting services for data collection and analysis to the AHP. Stowe is an associate professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky.
If you own or manage at least one horse, are 18 years of age or older, and live in the United States, you are eligible to complete the survey. Please answer the questions in this survey to the best of your ability, and please complete only one survey per household. The survey is anticipated to take 15 minutes to complete.
This study is anonymous and only aggregated results will be presented.
The survey closes April 1, 2018. It can be taken