Articles Tagged with ''Ron Perszewski''


Make Shoeing a Business, Not an Alternative Lifestyle

Freedom is great, but you have to manage your income and expenses to earn a long career and a comfortable retirement

Even if you love shoeing for a living, remember that you’re in it for the money, warns farrier Brian Robertson of Owosso, Mich. “When you wake up in the morning, you have got to be a businessman; from the minute you wake up until the minute you are off the clock,” he says.

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Safety Between the Ties

The options are growing. Are you doing all you can to keep horses calm and cooperative during shoeing while keeping customers happy and yourself healthy?
Every shoeing session begins with the farrier gaining control of the horse. As a practical matter, most farriers secure the horse between cross-ties - a practice not everyone thinks is safe - while luckier shoers can call on an assistant or stable hand to steady the animal with a lead rope.
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Quality of Hoof Knives Not Easy to Determine

Packaging labels and ads don’t necessarily give you the information needed to select a knife that will meet your expectations for sharpness and durability
Farriers probably reach for their hoof knives more than any other tool, but it’s a good bet that many don’t give much thought to buying this seemingly simple piece of basic equipment.
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Basics & Patience Can Go a Long Way

Prominent equine vet Al Kane knows first-hand that even neglected, foundered feet might respond to fundamental shoeing techniques
Hall of Fame equine veterinarian Al Kane remembers him simply as “Bob,” a neglected pony who proved that sometimes it pays to rely on the basics to help a horse that can’t go anymore.
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Cold Water
New Technology

Cold Moving Water, Plus Salt, Equals Spa Therapy

More technically known as cold water hydrotherapy, the treatment hasn’t caught on in the United States yet, but it has elsewhere

Just in case one of your Web-surfing, world-traveling or horse show-attending clients raises the subject, let’s get up to speed on cold water hydrotherapy as an aid to equine hoof and leg health.

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Research Supports Physiological Trimming

Eighteen-month study suggests loading the palmar region of the hoof leads to beneficial reshaping of feet, additional support

Shoeing and trimming methods come largely from the experience of farriers, leaving plenty of room for debate about what works and what doesn’t. Meantime, researchers warn that there is actually very little scientific study to back any particular approach to hoof care.

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Navicular Problems Can Trap Farriers

Horseshoers can make first assessment of potential navicular problems, but ultimate diagnosis requires veterinary involvement to avoid liability

Farriers beware. Avoid diagnosing a horse with navicular disease, a problem that even experienced equine veterinarians using high-technology cannot always determine with absolute certainty.

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Clint Laybourn

Don't Look Twice, It's All Right

It looks like an ambulance, but this shoeing rig is now equipped to care for hooves, not people

Excuse the older folks who still pull to the side of the road when Clint Laybourn’s shoeing rig approaches from behind. Even without its emergency lights flashing, the truck still looks very much like the ambulance it once was.

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Ford Truck

The Ultimate Shoeing Rig Is Real - And Waiting For You

We saw it in a vision, now you can own it — a $157,906.95 shoeing rig with everything to take you and your business on the road to anywhere with comfort, style and efficiency

Imagine that money is no object and you could have any shoeing rig your heart desired. Want it roomy? OK. Want it to provide protection from the elements? Of course. Want it to travel comfortably? No problem. Eye-catching. You betcha’. Anything you want.

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