How many horses in your practice battle palmar foot pain, riding that razor edge between working soundness and days off? Pain originating in the palmar or rearward section of the foot isn’t a very specific diagnosis, but it certainly affects a lot of horses — and thereby a lot of farriers.
With better hoof care on their minds and learning as their goal, almost 800 people gathered in Cincinnati, Ohio, from Jan. 30 to Feb. 2 for the 4th annual International Hoof-Care Summit. They didn't leave disappointed.
The choice of having horses go barefoot vs. shod was a topic that was discussed in December during the annual meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners in San Antonio, Texas. It generated very informative dialog and many important questions.
Talking about quarter cracks, equine veterinarian and farrier Stephen O’Grady says, “There are a lot of different causes. Some we don’t fully understand.
Don’t think because they’re young they don’t need attention: These farriers and equine vets say the early days are the most important when it comes to foot health
Believe it or not, there are some people in this world who think that a horse's foot health doesn't need attention until it needs shoes. Whatever your philosophy on the subject, these three footcare professionals would beg to differ.
Farriers moving from horse to horse commonly encounter hoof abscesses. Often during treatment, a severe hoof abscess or other foot problem will expose sensitive tissue, necessitating more extensive measures such as a veterinary examination and the application of a hospital plate.
More than 700 farriers, veterinarians, horse owners and others interested in improving hoof care gathered in Cincinnati, Ohio, during late January for the second annual International Hoof-Care Summit.
Prominent equine veterinarian Stephen O’Grady believes glue-on horseshoes give farriers an effective, easy-to-use option for correcting many types of problem hooves.
Greg Martin, CJF, of Boerne, Texas, takes the unique approach of marketing his hoof-care practice with a Christmas parade float in Boerne and Comfort, Texas. The award-winning float boasts a variety of surprising features.
Life Data Labs Inc. is a dedicated product manufacturer committed to producing premium quality animal nutrition and health products through continuous product improvement and new product development. First-class ingredients, fresh products, consistent high quality and scientifically proven effectiveness are the principal features of Life Data Labs animal health products. And that's why they've produced the #1 recommended hoof supplement by farriers for 12 consecutive years.
Kawell develops and produces copper alloy horseshoes and inserts, giving horses the care that they need to fight issues associated with white line disease, seedy toe and thrush.
From the feed room to the tack room, SmartPak offers innovative solutions to help riders take great care of their horses. SmartPak was founded in 1999 with the introduction of the patented SmartPak™ supplement feeding system. The revolutionary, daily dose SmartPaks are custom-made for your horse, individually labeled and sealed for freshness.