Articles Tagged with ''farriers''

Shoeing for a Living

Farriery Farm Aid

Nebraska's Gregg Kremer started shoeing to try and save the family homestead
A few years back, Gregg Kremer was right in the middle of an unfortunate continuing economic story — and he wasn't enjoying it much.
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Bruce Matthews

Work Smart, Stay Safe

Veteran farriers stress newcomers need to know the importance of controlling work environment and understanding equine behavior

In a perfect world, you could get away with saying “I’m a horseshoer — not a horse trainer.” But in a perfect world, an owner or handler would always be present to hold a well-mannered horse, ensuring a safe experience for all.

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A Worthy Task Force

Farriers, veterinarians step up to provide emergency hoof care and equine rescue procedures in the wake of Hurricane Katrina

In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which devastated the United States’ Gulf Region, one of the less publicized stories involving animal rescue and voluntary aid revolved around an incredible joint effort of a number of farriers, veterinarians and veterinary students in Louisiana.

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BWFA President Questions Proposal

AFJ readers should be aware that nine resolutions were brought to the AFA board of directors at its February convention meeting in Chattanooga. Of the nine resolutions, only three, Resolutions 1, 8 and 9, were accepted.
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Guild President Rejects Proposal

Heymering believes control of farriers is at stake, and that hoof-care decisions are best left to individuals
From 1915 to 1981, Illinois was I believe the first of only two or three states to have a licensing requirement for farriers. One of the requirements for a license was having completed a 3-year apprenticeship. Most farriers I spoke with who were affected by the licensing law had nothing good to say about it. They felt that it was unfairly applied and discriminatory. If you were friends with the examiner and/or they needed more farriers at that time, you had a much easier time of passing the test and being licensed than if you were not friends with the examiner or if they did not need more farriers — no matter how good you were.
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