Articles Tagged with ''Trailers''


Tools and Supplies

Do you pack more than you need just in case or is your farrier rig lightly packed? How do you maintain the inventory for your farrier practice?
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Moving Picture: Arlington Park Farrier Readies Hooves

His clients have funny, unusual names - Kokakoka Ocean, Teambdancing and Half Foxy - but they also have four feet and wear aluminum shoes. For Hutch Holsapple, 42, of Rolling Meadows, the horses with those names and their owners and trainers make up his everyday life on the backstretch at Arlington Park racetrack, where he's worked for nearly 11 years.
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The Humane Society Of The United States Applauds USDA For Finalizing Regulations To Strengthen Enforcement Of The Horse Protection Act

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the release of its final rule requiring uniform mandatory minimum penalties for violations of the federal Horse Protection Act. USDA-certified horse industry organizations operate alongside the USDA to enforce the Horse Protection Act by conducting inspections at Tennessee Walking Horse competitions. The final rule also clarifies that the agency can decertify a horse industry organization for any failure to comply with the regulations.
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Stronger Federal Rule Announced To Impose Penalties Against Horse Soring

The abuse of Tennessee walking horses has been in the news since The HSUS released video footage of one of the industry's top trainers striking a horse in the face with a wooden handle and pouring injurious chemicals onto the feet of a horse. It was four decades ago that Congress passed the Horse Protection Act to prevent and criminalize soring and other abuses of horses. Tennessee state representative Janis Sontany wrote in a column in The Tennessean on Sunday: Soring has been a well-kept dirty secret in this industry and it's time for this nonsense to end.
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10 Questions to Answer Before Buying a Shoeing Rig

Thoughtful research and planning are crucial when selecting a new shoeing rig. Whether it's your first truck or trailer, an upgrade to accommodate a new aspect of your practice, a second rig to use part-time in another state or the "dream rig" you've been wanting for years, mapping out what you like is a good way to get exactly what you need and avoid buyer's remorse.
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The Hoof-Care Bottom Line

Making Sure Your Rig Is Legal

Ensuring your truck or truck-and-trailer combination has proper federal and state operating authority can save you from tickets
Recently, federal and state agencies have been increasing the number of traffic stops on pick up trucks and pick up truck-trailer combinations.
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Double-Barreled Hoof-Care Advice

Building Relationships is Critical

Communicating effectively with owners, trainers, riders, veterinarians, students and other shoers is as important as knowing the latest footcare techniques
Communicating effectively with owners, trainers, riders, veterinarians, students and other shoers is as important as knowing the latest footcare techniques
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