Articles Tagged with ''research''

Research Journal: July/August 2004

This article is an excellent literature review and offers a summary of the two leading theories on the biology of acute laminitis caused by systemic illness. Vascular theory suggests a relationship to altered blood flow. Metabolic theory proposes toxins and enzymes acting at the cellular level are responsible.
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Future research is more likely to find a pharmacological cure for systemic laminitis than for overload weight-bearing laminitis, maintains equine veterinarian Larry Bramlage. The surgeon with Rood and Riddle in Lexington, Ky., defines systemic laminitis as a disease process that liberates enough mediators within the body to trigger the separation of the hoof wall.

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AFA Candidates Speak Out

Offices of president, treasurer are on the ballot
I am running for president of our association and I'm writing this statement so that you all may be informed of what I believe our priorities should be for the next 2 years.
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