Articles Tagged with ''Forging''

Horse shoes

Shoes Not Just For Show

Practical uses for the shoes that have challenged farriers around the world for the 7 years of the Calgary Mail-in Contest
Do the contest shoes that competitors have to hammer out in forging competitions really have any practical value in daily shoeing work?
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Gene Lieser Wins Again In Mail-In Forging Contest

The contest becomes a family event as brother Mark Lieser climbs the ladder to capture the second spot in a field of 45 from nine countries
Gene Lieser earned the top score in the 2006 Calgary Mail-in Forging Exercise, the second time he has won the honor in the 7-year history of the event.
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Back To Basics

Converting A Rasp To A Clinch Block

This tool-building exercise will also help you hone your welding skills

There is something special about making and using your own tools. That feeling may be lost a little for well-known tool makers such as Texas farrier Jim Poor and New Mexico shoer Jim Keith, but making a tool that I’ll use still gives me that tingly feeling.

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Favorites Old And New To Highlight AFA Convention

The annual assembly, being held Feb. 25 to 28 in Rochester, N.Y., will feature many events returning by popular demand, as well as first-time attractions that are sure to please farriers from across the country.
A NEW AND DIFFERENT class of competitors — The Jack Benny Class — will highlight the American Farrier’s Association’s 2004 convention.
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Advice From The Top

One of the best things about attending events like the 2003 American Farrier’s Association convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, in late February is the opportunity to pick up little nuggets of advice from the real masters of the shoeing trade.
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How To

Try These Concave Shoe-Fitting Tips

During the recent American Farrier's Association convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, Billy Crothers from Wales outlined a dozen valuable ideas to help you more effectively fit shoes.
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Shop Talk

Tax Court Opinion Makes It Easier For Farriers To Deduct Home Office Expenses

While it has been possible in the past for shoers to deduct the cost of an office in the home that is used 100 percent for business purposes, a new U.S. Tax Court opinion may make it possible to do so even if the room is used for some personal uses. But one caution is that this opinion went against the existing tax law, which requires a room be used “regularly and exclusively” for work in order to take a home office tax deduction.
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