Articles Tagged with ''Coronary Band''

Shoeing For a Living

For The Good Of The Horsey

Ohio farrier keeps a sense of wonder and appreciation that he’s making a living working with the animals he loves
Dean Moshier knows that it seems a little odd to hear him greet a client with, "So how's the horsey doing today?"
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Research Journal

A prospective clinical study examined the relationship between insulin levels and laminitis severity in 25 horses and ponies with equine metabolic syndrome (EMS), equine Cushing’s disease(ECD) and controls.

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Management of Long Toe, Low Heel in Hunters and Jumpers

This common foot problem presents a real challenge for farriers
There are very few advantages to having had a lot of birthdays and some gray in your hair, but the big benefit is having a lot of experience and a personal sense of history. In the 40 years I have been shoeing hunters and jumpers, I have witnessed a lot of changes. The biggest is the shift from using ex-racing Thoroughbreds to European warmbloods as the primary breeds.
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Vet's Corner

Farriery for the Young Horse

Proper hoof care in the first weeks of a foal’s life is essential
Among the many factors that dictate the success of the foal as a sales yearling or a mature athlete are decisions and management concerning feet and limbs during the first few months of life.
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Time To Eliminate Soring

The use of new technology is going to make it easier to detect soring and pressure shoeing violations during show inspections
Whether soring is less of a concern than it used to be pretty much depends on whom you are talking with. But many of the folks who maintain that soring and pressure shoeing are still major concerns in the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) industry and with several other breeds, readily admit that the practice has gotten much more sophisticated and tougher for inspectors to identify.
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Ian McKinlay
Farrier Innovations

Softening The Blow

Ian McKinlay’s unusual shoe-rim pad combination targets problem of heel concussion

During his career as a racetrack blacksmith, Ian McKinlay of South Amboy, N.J., had little doubt of what was his biggest enemy — concussion; particularly heel concussion.

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Online With the Farriers' Forum

Post-Thrush Dryness

Q: I’m looking for suggestions regarding the treatment of a client’s horse who had a severe case of thrush in all four feet.
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David Farmilo
Farrier Innovations

Balancing The Hoof My Way

Australian farrier says his method can eliminate many common hoof problems

What does it mean to “Balance the Hoof?” Ask a farrier if he balances a hoof and he will say, “Yes.” Ask him to describe how he balances it and he will generally describe very convoluted ways of doing so without having any specific reference points for others to copy.

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