Articles Tagged with ''AAEP''


Horses appear able to exert a fine degree of control over the temperature of their feet probably due to some type of central mechanism, says Australian hoof researcher Chris Pollitt.
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Shop Talk

AAEP Endeavors To Unravel Laminitis Mysteries

The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Foundation recently launched an aggressive $1 million campaign for laminitis research. The group plans to fund multiple studies that will help unravel the mysteries of this disease.
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Local Association Spotlight

New Bolton Names Laminitis Researcher

University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine to focus funds, efforts on causes and treatments of the condition

Dr. Hannah Galantino-Homer has been appointed senior research investigator of the newly created laminitis research initiative at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She will serve as a leading investigator in Penn Vet’s laminitis research efforts.

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Cold Water
New Technology

Cold Moving Water, Plus Salt, Equals Spa Therapy

More technically known as cold water hydrotherapy, the treatment hasn’t caught on in the United States yet, but it has elsewhere

Just in case one of your Web-surfing, world-traveling or horse show-attending clients raises the subject, let’s get up to speed on cold water hydrotherapy as an aid to equine hoof and leg health.

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Shop Talk

How Farriers Work With Others

IN A SURVEY on how shoers work with equine veterinarians conducted by American Farriers Journal staffers during last winter’s 2003 American Farrier’s Association convention, 53 percent of the farriers indicated certain vets call for help on a serious shoeing or footcare problem.
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Vets Honored For Hoof-Care Work

American Farriers Journal inducts two outstanding equine veterinarians into the 2001 International Equine Veterinarians Hall Of Fame
Two well-known names in the horse health field are being inducted into the International Equine Veterinarians Hall Of Fame for their strong emphasis on footcare concerns.
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Hi-Tech Shoeing

Web Resources For Farriers

Web sites address horse healthcare and propane safety
The internet is a good way to stay current on information for farriery. A new Web site from the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) and a few sites from propane organizations can serve as a good resource for farriers regarding horse healthcare and propane safety respectively.
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What Was “New” At AAEP

Many new products displayed at the recent American Association of Equine Practitioners annual meeting will be of special interest to farriers
Plenty of new products aimed at helping you do a better job of shoeing horses and improving hoof quality were unveiled by suppliers during the recent American Association of Equine Practitioners annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
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Research at Michigan State University indicates the pastern joint undergoes a larger range of motion than previously realized.
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