Articles Tagged with ''Jacob Butler''

Red Flags for Farriers

Recognize Subtle Signs of Horse Discomfort

Your ability to better identify and address what could be causing discomfort with a horse will aid in educating the novice horse owner
Horse owners have all types of backgrounds and motivations for owning horses. Some have vast experience while others have next to none. While working with this variety of clients, farriers must know how to handle and advise each one individually. Educated owners will be able to recognize subtle signs of discomfort. However, today there are many clients who lack that familiarity and knowledge.
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Get the Most Out of Your Rasp

There are no secret tricks when it comes to getting the most out of your rasps — only proper care and usage
Over the past decade, several new models of rasps have been added to the farrier market. Likewise, products to sharpen these tools have also emerged.
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Private Farrier Schools Form Separate Organizations

Pending survey and criticism by the American Farrier’s Association prompt school owners to band together to defend their programs, standardize a basic curriculum and add a continuing education component

Facing an examination of their educational programs by the American Farrier’s Association and stung by criticism in an AFA task force report on farrier education, the majority of private farrier school owners in the United States have banded together in a new group called the American Farriers Education Council.

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When One Leg Is Longer

How to identify and shoe for limb length disparity
The late Anthony Gonzales (1986) described limb length disparity as, "when a pair of feet are mismatched. Usually one is flat footed, bull nosed and/or underrun and the other is more upright or clubby looking."
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