Articles Tagged with ''farrier school''


Shoeing Around the World

Here’s how footcare is being done in nearly a dozen other countries, including a look at the growing popularity of cold shoeing

When it comes to footcare work, there are probably more similarities than differences among top shoers from around the world.

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Choosing the Right Farrier School

To help prospective students decide how to evaluate numerous educational opportunities, several school owners shared their insights on three different student background scenarios.

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Selecting Shoeing Schools

After a prospective student has spent hours evaluating all the gathered information on any number of farrier schools, picking the best one still boils down to personal preference

Finding the right furrier school to meet a prospective student’s needs is not much different than the long ordeal friends have gone though when trying to decide where to go to college or what subject to study.

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"We Don't Want It!"

That message came through loud and clear from speakers who voiced opinions on farrier regulation and licensing during the recent open forum sponsored by the American Farrier’s Association

Among roughly 75 AFA members, educators, suppliers and non-members who attended the mid-September “open forum” sponsored by the American Farrier’s Association, nobody spoke in favor of regulating and licensing farriers. 

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AFA Task Force Being Revamped With New Members, Focus And Name

Education/Registration Task Force gives way as AFA leadership looks for representatives from inside and outside the group, and says school survey information will create database for students

AFTER A SURGE of controversy about its proposals on standardized farrier education and registration, the American Farrier’s Association has dismissed the original members of the Education/Registration Task Force who developed the plan and started looking for new members from inside and outside the AFA.

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