Articles Tagged with ''Chris Pollitt''

Shop Talk

Backyard Horses Represent $32 Billion In Yearly Expenditures

While the backyard horse doesn't always spark an image of high spending, a closer look at the recreational part of the U.S. horse industry paints a much different picture. Data from the American Horse Council's 'Economic Impact of the Horse Industry On The United States' confirms the size and impact of the recreational horse business.
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Barbaro’s Death Demonstrates The Need For More Laminitis Research

After an 8-month struggle to put Barbaro’s fractured leg back together, the Kentucky Derby winner was euthanized on Jan. 29 due to laminitis complications on the opposite rear leg. Yet his long struggle for survival captured the hearts of the American public and dramatically increased their understanding of the problems that farriers have faced for centuries with laminitis.
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Laminitis Data Available Online

Australian researcher Chris Pollitt posts research papers on Web for educational purposes

There are very few people who have done more to advance the understanding of laminitis than Dr. Christopher Pollitt, director of the Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit at the University of Queensland.

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Telling Fact From Fiction In Horseshoeing

How to know the difference when looking for truth in the art and science of farriery
Think twice before believing anyone who claims to have the proven, best solutions to your shoeing challenges, warns equine veterinarian William Moyer of Texas A & M University, because the one right answer might not exist.
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