Articles Tagged with ''Horsemanship''


The Horse Is The Client

When Hank McEwan was honored as British Columbia’s Horseman of the Year, he paid thanks to the horses instead of the owners, trainers and riders
Even after 55 years, Hank McEwan hasn’t lost his love for shoeing. Semi-retired from a remarkable teaching and shoeing career, he spends considerable time horseback riding and packing in the Canadian mountains while still shoeing 90 horses.
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The Fit Farrier

Better Safe Than Sorry

MOST FARRIERS spend hours trying to ensure they and their families will be financially secure should something happen to them. They carry insurance and put money away in the bank, just in case.

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Dealing With Lost Shoes

End your frustrations with this concern by knowing when the farrier, the owner, the rider or the horse is to blame
A LOST SHOE is among the more frustrating situations that horse owners and farriers experience.
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