Articles Tagged with ''Hoof Growth''

Evaluate Every Hoof Before Trimming

Everything seen on the hoof is important to farriers, veterinarians and owners

Horses aren’t uniform creatures. Each one has a slight — or not so slight —deviation in conformation that affects the way it travels and performs. That’s why Michael Wildenstein stresses the importance of evaluating everything —from the hairline of the hoof to the muscling in the shoulders — when trimming and shoeing.

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Product Knowledge

Biotin and the Hoof: The Continuing Controversy

Some researchers say supplementation isn’t needed, but others remain believers in the B vitamin’s benefits

Of all the studies conducted on the correlation between nutrition and the hoof, the role of biotin, a water-soluble vitamin within the B group, has been a central focus time and again.

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Online With the Farriers’ Forum

Regrowing A Hoof

I was recently called to take a look at a horse that a client purchased for his daughter. Basically, the horse was given to him because of the condition of one hoof.
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Super Soaker

Tips, tactics and techniques for dealing with waterlogged hooves, no matter the environment
When people think about environmental factors that play a role in degrading the integrity of the hoof, most think about the things like rocky terrain, sandy oil and icy, slippery conditions.
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Dealing With Lost Shoes

End your frustrations with this concern by knowing when the farrier, the owner, the rider or the horse is to blame
A LOST SHOE is among the more frustrating situations that horse owners and farriers experience.
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