Articles Tagged with ''Tracy Turner''


Tom Curl told attendees at last winter's 6th annual International Hoof-Care Summit that farriers must develop special skills to effectively use heart bar shoes. The Vero Beach, Fla., farrier says this means learning to place the right amount of pressure on the bar and where to set the bar so it's not setting too far forward on the frog.
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Time To Eliminate Soring

The use of new technology is going to make it easier to detect soring and pressure shoeing violations during show inspections
Whether soring is less of a concern than it used to be pretty much depends on whom you are talking with. But many of the folks who maintain that soring and pressure shoeing are still major concerns in the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) industry and with several other breeds, readily admit that the practice has gotten much more sophisticated and tougher for inspectors to identify.
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Pressure Mounts To End Soring

Some members of the Tennessee Walking Horse industry maintain only a few bad apples are involved, but for others, soring is still a major concern
Many in the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) industry maintain less soring and pressure shoeing is taking place than in the past. Others aren’t so sure, citing evidence that indicates that the banned practices are still all too common among high-level horses.
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Ron Dash
Local Association Spotlight

Houses for the Birds, but with Horseshoers in Mind

Farrier’s creations bring a horseshoe theme to avian habitats

Among the items up for bid during the American Farrier’s Association Auction were a couple of birdhouses that are as likely to attract horseshoers as they are feathered occupants.

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