Articles Tagged with ''Equine Veterinarian''

How Comfortable Are You With Radiography?

If you’re not working with equine veterinarians to get a look inside problem hooves, you might not be doing all you can for the horses and their owners. Here’s how to get more involved with this technology
Sooner or later, most every farrier will come across a problem foot and wonder what's going on inside the hoof wall. So, when is it right for a farrier to request radiographs, and what's to be expected after such a request?
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Shoeing with the Work in Mind

Hall Of Fame equine vet Olin Balch stresses the importance of activity-specific hoof care
Olin Balch's long-time interest in the biomechanics of equine locomotion began when, as a student, he worked his way through veterinary school by shoeing horses.
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Navicular Problems Can Trap Farriers

Horseshoers can make first assessment of potential navicular problems, but ultimate diagnosis requires veterinary involvement to avoid liability

Farriers beware. Avoid diagnosing a horse with navicular disease, a problem that even experienced equine veterinarians using high-technology cannot always determine with absolute certainty.

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Heart Bar Shoes

Being Careful With Heart Bar Shoes

Applied incorrectly, the heart bar shoe can go from a life-saving therapeutic aid to a damaging piece of equipment

When the duo of Burney Chapman and George Platt popularized the use of heart bar shoes for foundered and laminitic horses in the late 1960s, it set off a firestorm of innovations and design-styles for therapeutic horseshoes that reinvigorated the hoof-care industry.

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When it comes to examining a foot that might be suffering from laminitis, equine veterinarian Scott Morrison suggests the following ritual:

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AFA Minutes Reveal Little Of Plan For Training, Licensing

But the documents offer peaks at veterinarian’s interest, cost of farrier center and internal proceedings

Even after obtaining the minutes of Excutive Committee meetings from the American Farrier’s Association, farrier Donald Jones of Pleasant Garden, N.C., learned little more about how the organization’s leadership prepared a proposal for standardized farrier training and registration or licensing.

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Noel Muller maintains you’re probably making a serious mistake when you decide to alter foot balance in hopes of giving your client a horse that strides straight behind.

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