Articles Tagged with ''American Association of Equine Practitioners''

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Vets List Laminitis As Top Research Priority

Laminitis was the top vote getter in a recent survey regarding research needs among members of the American Association of Equine Practitioners. The goal of this study is to provide data that can assist the equine community in directing its financial support to a wide realm of equine research projects.
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It's not unusual for a farrier or veterinarian to be trapped between the welfare of the horse and the welfare of the rider. Kent Carter, a member of the International Equine Veterinarian Hall of Fame who is on the staff at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, says the dilemma can arise when what's best for the horse conflicts with the rider's needs to have the animal ready to work - whether on the racetrack, in the show ring or on a cattle ranch.
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Get Charged Up in Cincinnati

Attendees from 42 states and 20 countries at last winter’s International Hoof-Care Summit say nothing matches this event when it comes to highly intensive footcare learning
The latest ideas in diagnostic imaging, the impact of conformation on movement, assessing your business and proper examination of the equine foot will be important aspects of the program for next winter’s seventh annual International Hoof-Care Summit.
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Hans Castelijns

Hoof-Care Learning from San Diego

Check out these valuable footcare ideas from the mid-December annual meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners
Properly assessing the foot is a critical part of evaluating form and function in terms of conformation, says Marvin Beeman.
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Pressure Mounts To End Soring

Some members of the Tennessee Walking Horse industry maintain only a few bad apples are involved, but for others, soring is still a major concern
Many in the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) industry maintain less soring and pressure shoeing is taking place than in the past. Others aren’t so sure, citing evidence that indicates that the banned practices are still all too common among high-level horses.
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Frankly Speaking

AAEP Panel Report Shows the Vital Role Process Can Play

If you haven’t yet read the report by the 2007 Lameness Research Meeting and Panel, we’d suggest visiting the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Web site and downloading a copy. The report includes some food for thought for everyone in the hoof-care industry — not only in its recommendations but in how they were arrived at.

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Shop Talk

Lameness Issues Continue To Receive Serious Study

In early August, the American Association of Equine Practitioners hosted a meeting in Fort Collins, Colo., to share the latest published and non-published information on equine lameness issues. The event featured 13 brief abstract presentations and an in-depth discussion on research needs that was conducted with a blue ribbon panel of lameness researchers.
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