Articles Tagged with ''Frank Lessiter''

35 Changes In The Next 10 Years

Here’s what the future holds for the hoof-care industry
When we asked American Farriers Journal readers to gaze into their crystal balls, they came up with a number of insightful predictions that they see coming in the footcare world.
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Change Is The Name Of The Game

Since 1975, there have been an amazing number of changes in footcare work
When it comes to discussing change, Bill Miller calls on plenty of experience, having started shoeing as an apprentice in 1947. "In the past 63 years, I've seen many changes in our trade," says the veteran shoer from Rochester, Wash.
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A Salute to a Profession That's So Much More…

National Farriers Week honors those who see “The good of the horse” as more than a slogan
For the 12th consecutive year, American Farriers Journal is proud to sponsor National Farriers Week. From July 11-17, we’re encouraging the horse-owning public to take notice of the hard work and dedication that farriers put on display 365 days a year, as well as asking them to acknowledge the important role that hoof-care professionals play in the health of their horses.
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