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That Finishing Touch

Developing your own system for finishing your shoes will pay off in forging contests or for your clients at horse shows
Building good shoes is only part of the skills needed to compete and pass certification tests. Presentation of the finished product is also important.
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Practice Makes The Shoe Fit

If you are reading this magazine, there’s a good chance you are interested in improving your skills as a farrier. This article is designed to help you do just that.
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Dare To Learn!

The challenge is to see how your forging skills stack up with other farriers from around the world in this educational forging exercise that more than pays for itself
Now in its fourth year, the innovative mail-in forging exercise that’s co-sponsored by the World Championship Blacksmiths’ Competition — held each year during the Calgary Stampede — and American Farriers Journal, is once again offering a tremendous opportunity to expand your forging skills.
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How To

Try These Concave Shoe-Fitting Tips

During the recent American Farrier's Association convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, Billy Crothers from Wales outlined a dozen valuable ideas to help you more effectively fit shoes.
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Forge Ahead With New Skills!

Take part in this highly educational worldwide forging exercise without ever leaving home
Based on recent telephone calls, a number of American Farriers Journal readers have already been hard at work trying to forge the Scottish hind preventer shoe for next summer’s mail-in forging exercise.
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Forging By the Marshall Plan

Attention to small things, breaking job down, among the lessons taught by anvil master
Bob Marshall holds a shoe up to the light and checks the toe after a couple of quick blows.
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During a recent Southern Nevada Horseshoer’s Association clinic in Las Vegas, Nev., Lee Green talked about how to best deal with lost shoes.

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7 Tips For Using Propane Forges

A few hints for using this handy farrier tool that has all but replaced coal and coke

THE COAL FORGE is slowly disappearing from horseshoeing as the propane forge has gained popularity.

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