
News & Notes

Roy Bloom Scholarship Deadline Fast Approaching

Oct. 1, 2017, is the deadline for the scholarship, which is annually offered by the American and International Associations of Professional Farriers (AAPF/IAPF). The scholarship will send two winners to attend the International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. 
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How Uneven Feet Affect Locomotion

Understanding the relationship between movement and injury is key
In human locomotion, a lot is known about the pattern of central pressure on the foot as a step is taken. Typically, a normal pattern is defined as landing slightly laterally in a supinated position and then rolling toward the medial side of the foot into pronation.
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Don’t Stop Developing Your Skill Set

Reaching your goals for improvement requires commitment to practice and recognizing where your greatest needs rest
In the previous article in this series, I referred to the science of studying anatomy. In this article, I focus on the practical side of improving one’s skill level. Horsemanship, trimming, shoeing and forging are all practical skills of shoeing horses.
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“Diplomatic Skills” Needed When Stumbling is Due to Rider Error

It’s never easy to tell one of your clients to lose 150 pounds, buy a new horse with better conformation or to sign up for riding lessons
No farrier wants to have a tough client conversation about how rider error may be impacting a horse’s behavior. And when you have to be blunt and explain how rider error rider is the cause, it’s time to bring your “diplomatic skills” into play.
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Get a Grip

Take A Journey Back In Time As We Explore A Shoe From The Past
The history of farriery is as rich as it is ancient. It’s believed that migratory Eurasian tribes used horseshoes during the second century before the birth of Christ.
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