
AFA Task Force Being Revamped With New Members, Focus And Name

Education/Registration Task Force gives way as AFA leadership looks for representatives from inside and outside the group, and says school survey information will create database for students

AFTER A SURGE of controversy about its proposals on standardized farrier education and registration, the American Farrier’s Association has dismissed the original members of the Education/Registration Task Force who developed the plan and started looking for new members from inside and outside the AFA.

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Local Association Spotlight

Cutting-Edge 4-H Education

Veteran Illinois farrier annually leads youngsters with an interest in horses through a hands-on equine limb dissection
Donna Meyer, a veteran Illinois farrier helps spread hoof-care knowledge among young horse owners by coordinating a limb dissection program for 4-H Club members.
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More On Dubbing The Toe

Readers voice opinions on both sides of the toe dubbing controversy
We heard from readers lining up on all sides of the toe dubbing controversy after we printed the article by Oklahoma farrier and equine veterinarian Jack Roth in the January/February issue of American Farriers Journal. As is the case with many hoof-care techniques, there wasn't any agreement on what is the best approach.
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Research Journal

Researchers examined the relationship between hoof acceleration patterns and dynamic properties of the racetrack surface. Eight clinically normal horses with accelerometers attached to each hoof were galloped along a straightaway in repeated trials. Between each trial, the track was harrowed and water was added to change surface properties. After each trial, dynamic properties of the track were measured near each hoof print for several strides.
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You Asked Now We're Delivering

Thanks to surveys filled out by International Hoof-Care Summit attendees, we’ve received hundreds of fresh ideas to make next winter’s third annual event even more valuable in terms of hoof-care education

Task Force Member Understands Both Sides

Mitch Taylor owns a school himself, but believes independence is no excuse for spreading incompetence among farriers
Mitch Taylor understands what he's gotten into as a member of the AFA task force working to establish standards for farrier schools.
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BWFA President Questions Proposal

AFJ readers should be aware that nine resolutions were brought to the AFA board of directors at its February convention meeting in Chattanooga. Of the nine resolutions, only three, Resolutions 1, 8 and 9, were accepted.
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