
2021 farrier predictions
News & Notes

American Farriers Journal Editors Look into Their 2021 Crystal Balls

With the new year underway, the American Farriers Journal editors gazed into our crystal balls and made a few predictions on what we might see in the equine footcare market over the next 12 months.
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Farrier Interviewing Farrier: Andy Darden

Whether at a convention, certification or contest, you can usually see Andy Darden with his red truck. I met him a few years ago at the first Forge of July in Shelbyville, Ky. He took the time to explain his tool making process, offered advice and shared the wisdom he’s earned over decades as a farrier and toolmaker to all who stopped by his truck.
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How Do You Choose the Appropriate Horseshoe?

Work, intensity, duration, terrain and horse are the five considerations farriers should consider when selecting footgear for a horse
Horseshoe production has developed to a high level of quality and variety that’s unparalleled since the 1900s. The many companies that have emerged in the last 35 years, as well as the ease of manufacturing and importing shoes from all over the world, have enabled farriers to have unprecedented choices in our modern age.
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