
What To Do About Horse Abuse

Farriers will report clients if they see abuse but few actually come across it

One of the most severe cases of horse abuse ever came to light last September when a Kansas plumbing supply store owner was charged with 18 counts of cruelty to animals.

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Nation's Farrier

Nation's Farrier

Pete Cote shoes the horses that pull the full-honor funeral caissons at Arlington Cemetery, is the official farrier for Presidential inaugurations and shoes the only horses owned and maintained by the federal government

 Pete Cote was a farrier before the U.S. Army made him one of its own, but little did he know the Army and horseshoeing would both be a major part of his life for the last 30 years.

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Why Farrier Licensing Makes Sense

Many readers will find this look at farrier licensing by AFA founding father Walt Taylor highly controversial

 It is my strong opinion that professional farriers should, and deserve, to be licensed to practice by statutory authority.

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Get Ready To Learn, Network, Have Fun

Even though the 1999 AFA convention in Lexington is packed with ideas to help your shoeing business, nobody says you can't have fun while you're there
ONE OF THE best ways for farriers to stay in touch with the latest product innovations, health care advice, shoeing theories an techniques is by attending the American Farrier's Association annual convention.
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Florida... Where Winter Shoeing Is Jumping

There's plenty of excitement and shoeing work when 4,000 horses, 5,000 participants and 228 farriers head to southern Florida for the winter equestrian season.
WHEN TEMPERATURES dip below the freezing mark in the northern states, hundreds of thousands of retired folks head for Florida for anywhere from a week to a few months to enjoy the warm winter weather.
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Frankly Speaking:

 During the December farrier liaison committee meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) in Baltimore, Md., the joint role that farriers and veterinarians play in foot care was a major topic.

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For 3-Day Events, Be On Your Toes!

Even though the pace may be fast or slow, the shoeing work is intense. Plus, you need that volunteer spirit and a sense of wanting to pay back an industry that's been good to you to make 3-day event shoeing worthwhile.
The work goes in spurts. Sometimes, you can be extremely busy. At other times, you can be bored out of your mind. That's the way shoeing went for five veteran farriers who worked the 1994 Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event held last spring at the Kentucky Horse Park complex in Lexington, Ky.
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