Articles by Frank Lessiter


No Easy Fuel Choice for Shoeing Rigs

Whether it’s diesel, gas, propane or waste vegetable oil, there’s no consensus among horseshoers as to the best fuel for their trucks
With diesel now costing more than gas, many farriers are convinced that a gas-powered rig is the best way to go. Yet there are still some distinct advantages for driving a diesel-powered truck.
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Epidemic Hit Shoers' Pocketbooks Hard

Australian farriers lost an average of 76 days work during a 7-month long equine-influenza quarantine
If a serious equine disease outbreak were to limit your travel and work, let’s hope you don’t find yourself in the same situation as Bryn Jones. After an equine influenza (EI) outbreak hit Australia last August, the “down-under” farrier lost 130 days of work over the next 7 months.
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Disgraceful Practice Continues

Illegal or not, some still resort to this abusive and unethical method to enhance gaited horse animation and gain an edge in the show ring

The Horse Industry Organization (HIO) operating plan contract for the 14 certified groups states, “A pressure shoeing violation shall be defined as soring, trimming or engaging in any practice the result of which causes the inducement of pain in the sole of the foot.”

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Fuel Crisis Requires Cost-Cutting Strategies

Check out dozens of field-tested ideas farriers are using to rein in fuel expenses
Farriers are doing a more efficient job of scheduling by location in order to reduce the miles traveled, paying closer attention to vehicle maintenance and raising footcare prices as they struggle to cope with rising fuel prices.
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“This Conference Is The One For Me”

More than 775 attendees at last winter’s International Hoof-Care Summit say no other event can match it for intensive learning

Whether you’re looking for new footcare ideas, new products to improve the quality and efficiency of your work or seeking new ways to hold costs in line, you’ll want to make sure that you’re in Cincinnati next February for the 6th annual International Hoof-Care Summit.

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Expand Your Forging Knowledge Without Leaving Home!

The Calgary Mail-In Forging Exercise is an outstanding learning experience and a great way to expand your footcare skills
Now in its ninth year, the Mail-In Forging Exercise offers you a highly educational opportunity to expand your forging skills and earn a wide variety of valuable farrier products while being an important part of the World Championship Blacksmiths' Competition held each July in Calgary, Alberta.
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Take Pride In Your Work

July’s National Farriers Week is a good time to reflect on the tremendous amount of good that hoof-care professionals do in the equine community

As a farrier, you probably like being your own boss and knowing that you are providing essential footcare to the horses of your clients.

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Product Focus

Watch Your Back

If your toolbox is not both farrier and horse friendly, it’s not doing the job you need it to do

When it comes to protecting both yourself and the horse you’re working on, there are some serious safety issues to consider when selecting the toolbox that best fits your practice. To protect their backs and to get early warning signals that the horse behind them may be ready to make a dangerous move, more farriers are looking closer at the advantages of using a taller toolbox equipped with wheels.

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